Major se tback today. The Dr office called me this morning and my insurance company is not going to cover my surgery because the hospital doesn't have some special certification it needs for them to cover it. I am so depressed. I was so looking forward to getting this done and getting healthy. Now I either wit until it is done and who knows when that will be or I start looking for new Dr's I was excited about Lubbock because its close to home. Now I will have to go to ElPaso, Dallas, or Houston. Can you believe that Albuquerque doesn't have anyone that does this. They all go to Lubbock or El Paso. So will call the insurance office today and see what options I have. I know its about the same distance to El Paso and Dallas so who know what will happen.
Am tired of talking aobut it now so you all have good day everyone. hope its better than mine.
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