Sunday, June 6, 2010

Buckle Up It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride

Today Started Off Quite Rudely I have to get up between 2 and 2:30 am to get to work at 4. Today I hear the alarm go off and I tried to turn it off but it won't go off. First I should explain I wear ear plugs to bed and a sock over my eyes since I can't stand karl's snoring and I can't stand any source of light. So I can't actually see the alarm but I can tell the alarm button is in the off position. Thinking I know I didn't turn that off and go back to sleep I take my sock off my eyes and I see that the time is "WHAT 3:20 ARE YOU KIDDING ME?". I have 10 minutes until time to leave. Great no shower today so I am gonna feel itchy and gross until I get home. So I manage to scramble around and find something to put on stagger my way to the bathroom where I scare myself in the mirror with today's hair do. Thinking I don't have time for this I grab a towel run to the kitchen (must turn off the coffee pot first can't live without the coffee) douse my head with cold water rub it off and run back to my bathroom. Manage to get a brush through it and decide that's good enough for today. Brushed my teeth grabbed my glasses grabbed a cup of coffee and I was out of the house. Made it to work with 1 minute to spare.

Get logged into my computer and the second I get logged into that phone its non stop calls so I am rushed there too. So I get my break late I might add and am rushed there. Come back when its lunch time of course getting back on the phone I am rushed there too. So its been a crazy morning. However my supervisor said a tech didn't know what to do with a call where the computer she was working on said "Panic Need To Dump". Needless to say we all found that hysterical and are still laughing at it.

So now on to the meat of today lol a girl I work with is seeing my gastric Dr about to have the procedure and she can't get her surgery scheduled until July 22 so I don't want to miss the family reunion this year (always the high light of my year) so looks like I might schedule for Aug or late Aug so I have a little time off for football. I am going to call them tomorrow and see what we can set up. That being said I might actually have a little extra time to drop a few pounds prior to the surgery which he said we all needed to do that.

I have to admit I am a little nervous about all this. Its a huge change in life style but have spoke to several people that are more than happy they did it. I have decided that after I lose all this weight I am going to work myself to death to get the rest of the surgeries. Can't wait to get new boobs lol. Kidding but possibly I will just depends on how baggy they really get.

So the crash helmet in my picture is, yes, Life is a journey but buckle up its a bumpy ride.

Until we meet again.

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